I have a legal plan through MetLife and received a list of attorneys that were in-network, after receiving a traffic citation.

I dealt with multiple attorneys at other firms in trying to find an attorney to represent me, some who were terrible at calling back and forgot that I had spoken to them. Another attorney seemed interested in helping me, but then later changed his mind and said he was declining to represent me.

I called Affiliated Attorneys, and had expressed concerns about how no attorneys were giving me the time of day. Lorin called back within a few hours, asked a little about my case and what outcomes I wanted. He then offered to represent me.

The day before he was to appear in court for me, my situation changed, and I wanted him to pursue a different outcome. I was able to call him before the 8:30am court appearance, and he was able to negotiate for the outcome I needed on short notice.

My case may be different than yours, but I was cited initially for Unreasonable Speed however Lorin was able to get it changed to a parking ticket with no points. This resulted in only an additional 70 dollar fine.

I am very satisfied with how Lorin represented me.